NO to Lock Up Storage Facility

    By signing this petition, I’m respectfully asking for No Zoning change to the parcel at 2360 Glades Circle Weston, Florida from a CF Zone (Community Facilities) to C-1 (Commercial) to allow for The Lock Up Storage Facility.

    Our most compelling reasons include:
    1. The neighborhood in which the rezoning is proposed would negatively impact residential areas, schools and religious facilities.
    2. The Proposed Rezoning is Inconsistent with the surrounding area and facilities.
    3. The Neighborhood(s) in which the rezoning is proposed is an Area of Stability.
    4. The Intersection and Surrounding Area is a Walking Route for School-Aged Children in the Neighborhood & additional traffic could notably risk students and other pedestrians.
    5. Traffic Impact Studies, Crime Statistics for Storage Facilities and other important data have not been provided.
    6. There Has Been No Change to the Neighborhood Justifying the Rezoning, so the rezoning is unnecessary.
    7. The Neighborhood(s), Adjacent Educational and Religious Facilities as well as the Public at large have not had adequate time to review the proposal due to summer recess in which it was proposed and respectfully request such opportunity.
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