TOO MANY CARS TO FIT IN THE DRIVEWAY? Parking one on the street solved your issue before, but not anymore. What happens if you have a guest that chooses to stay for 6 hours, and forgets to “sign in” their car? A $50 ticket slapped on their windshield, that’s what.

Many people may have walked outside of their homes, in which they only have one or two parking spaces, to see their son or daughter’s car, or even their own vehicle, which does not fit in your driveway to have a $46 ticket on it. Why is this? The Burlington By-law 40-2014 Section 37.13 holds that there is to be no 5 hour parking on the same roadway NOR is there ANY parking between the hours of 1 am to 6am. So much for being a family community.

This by-law can only be worked around for fifteen days out of the year. That's 350 days a year, that one car cannot park for more than five hours on the same street; Sounds about as outrageous as the almost $50 ticket. It goes without saying there are many people in a situation where they are at a loss for what to do. You can't work around this ticket unless you move your car every five hours, or get an exemption permit and park on a different street every night. Logical solutions? Not at all. We chose to live here, we pay sky rocketing property taxes, and NOW we are forced to drop a vehicle, or face up to $200 in tickets EVERY day. Regardless of whether or not this affects YOU, it affects someone.

Signing this petition will take you five seconds, and we can put an end to this outrageous by-law. This is our city, we deserve to have guests feel free to stay as long as they want, and NOT that they're only welcome here for five hours without "signing in". Where's the freedom in that? FAMILIES live here, we don't have room for all of our cars in our driveways, and we cannot afford $200 every day.

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