Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C. Becomes Brutal Killing Ground

Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C. Becomes Brutal Killing Ground Last week, we told you about the National Park Service (NPS) ordering thousands, if not tens of thousands of deer to die, violating its own mandate of “protecting wildlife” in national parks. The killing is done in secrecy at night by shooters with the USDA Wildlife Services. Over the last two winters, at least 126 white-tailed deer, who used to call Rock Creek Park their home, were first lured into bait stations and then shot by ruthless Wildlife Services agents. If you want to read the entire report go to the following URL BEWARE GRAPHIC PICTURE!

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Thanks to all for your support. Contact Steve Whitesell, Regional Director, National Park Service, phone 202-619-7023 and voice your opinions re: this senseless slaughter. They're planning more!!!
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