Panera: Stop using Palm Oil in your recipes

  • al: Dad4theFuture
  • destinatario: Panera Bread Company -- CEO Ronald Shaich, President Drew Madsen

Panera continues to use palm oil in their recipes despite known environmental concerns

DearPanera Bread Company Leadership --

We the undersigned arewriting to encourage your company to take action as soon as possible to stop using palm oil....

In recent years palm oil has come under great scrutiny for the potential environmental damages that occur in order to farm and harvest of now there is yet to be safe for the environment palm our world that is constanly warming and having rising CO2, increased species loss and extinctions, and concerns about biodiversity.....the use of palm oil must be stopped in order to save the rainforests, wildlife, biodiversity, and also the normal way of life of the indigenous persons of these lands...

We call on Panera Bread Company to take a standNOW and declare the use of palm oil to be ending asap....


We the Undersigned

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