Stop and prevent animal cruelty during Lag-Ba-Omer bon fires

  • al: Victoria Komarov
  • destinatario: Mrs Tzipi Livni, Minister of Lae, Mr Shi Peron Knesset member, Minister of Education, Mr Amram Mitzne, Chairman Knesset education Committee

Not  rare  cases animal cruelty increases during  the Lag-Ba-Omer holiday, that  is  traditionally celebrated by bonfires. But often  children loose their heads and burn everything they can  throw into fire includes living creatures like cats. This outrageous cruelty is beyond understanding. It needs detailed everyday educational work from teachers and parents  . As well every case of animal cruelty must be pursued by law and every criminal offender must  get a real punishment

Cases animal cruelty increase during the Lag-Ba-Omer holiday. Children throw into fire living creatures like cats. This outrageous cruelty is beyond understanding. Every case of animal cruelty must be pursued by law and every criminal offender must get a real punishment
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