Have RuPaul in drag on Dancing With the Stars with a male dance partner next season

Even though it was inspirational to see Chaz Bono on Dancing With the Stars - with a female partner- with the current political climate of LGBT Civil Rights, I think it would be important for the average American to see two men competing/dancing together, and RuPaul would be the perfect catalyst since he is the most famous female impersonator, people love him, and he makes a beautiful "woman" which would take the "sting" out of the average viewer that might complain of two men dancing together; and while it would not only be highly fun and entertaining to watch, it would aslo be a subtle social message of how the times are changing and acceptance of the LGBT community is growing in the U.S. Not to mention how could ABC not appreciate the huge ratings boost from people who would want to tune in just to see this happen? A 6'4" man in a wig and heels dancing with Maksim Chmerkovskiy? Who WOULDN'T want to watch that!?!?

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