Say NO to Marijuana Dispensaries near School and Residential Area

  • destinatario: Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Judi Bosworth and All Town Board Members, Nassau, NY

WHEREAS, Medmen Enterprises, a Californian cannabis company, has applied to open a medical marijuana dispensary at 1575 Northern Blvd in Manhasset that does significantly and negatively impact the quality of life in our community,

WE THE UNDERSIGNED, as concerned Town of North Hempstead residents, parents, homeowners, and organization members, hereby petition our elected officials to:

1. Reject the application to open a medical marijuana dispensary at 1575 Northern Blvd, Manhasset NY;

2. Require public hearings for community input before any potential marijuana dispensary facility is approved in any Town location; 

3. Promptly amend the Town Code to set a legal distance requirement of such operation to at least one mile from any school, house of worship, or public park and at least 1,000 feet from any residential property; and

4. Promptly amend the Town Code to adopt specific requirements to restrict the sale of marijuana in the Town of North Hempstead in the event that New York State permits such sale.

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