Save Endangered Sea Turtles

After the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, an alarming number of already endangered sea turtle species like loggerheads, leatherbacks and Kemp's Ridley were found dead. The spill added to their usual threats of habitat destruction, poaching, entanglement in marine debris, ship strikes and pollution.

The Marine Turtle Conservation Reauthorization Act would provide funds to help protect sea turtles and the places they need to survive. Since an anti-conservation majority takes over in the House in January, the final days of 2010 may be our last chance for the foreseeable future to pass this important bill.

Six out of seven species of sea turtles are endangered. This act would support U.S. and international conservation projects -- so that we don't lose sea turtles forever.

Tell Congress to pass the Marine Turtle Conservation Reauthorization Act.
Dear Congress member,

As a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, a constituent and someone who cares about the conservation of our struggling wildlife, I am writing today to urge you to support and pass The Marine Turtle Conservation Reauthorization Act.

The act would make resources available to protect sea turtles and the places they need to survive, which is more important than ever after the deadly impacts of BP's Deepwater Horizon oil disaster.

[Your personal comments will be inserted here.]

This bipartisan bill is extremely important to the turtles and wild places that are struggling to survive.
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