Keeping It Dutch: Please Switch to Vegan and Stop Killing Your Animals!!!!!

Hello 👋,
Keeping It Dutch is a YouTuber who makes videos about raising his own animals as "food", as well as his German Shepherds. I was watching one of his videos where he showed us some broiler chicks he was raising. He also raises pigs. Darling pigs! He even joked in the description of the video referring to them as "bacon seeds". That is not funny. They are not "bacon seeds", but living, sentient and intelligent beings who are actually more intelligent than his dogs and as intelligent (if not more intelligent) as his daughter was when she was three... They have feelings, parents, families, an interest in life, a desire to live well and avoid suffering just as he does. Just as Keeping It Dutch has his own daughter and (maybe) other kids, those pigs were/are someone's daughters, sons, brothers and sisters. They deserve life, not death or unnecessary killing.
He may say I'm some crazy vegan hippie who doesn't no anything, but I'm not the only one. There are many educated, informed and reasonable people who are vegan. They include actors, directors, athletes, farmers, bodybuilders, nutritionists, dieticians, vets and, probably, scientists.
There are so many vegan foods out there now. Fruits, nuts, vegetables, rice, pasta, bread, lentils, beans, faux meats, all the many milk alternatives, vegan cheeses, vegan butters, ice creams, cakes, egg alternatives, etc. If you're interested in producing your own food and worried about food shortages, why not grow your own fruits, nuts, vegetables, beans, rice and lentils and other crops?
Deliberately killing sentient beings unnecessarily is always wrong, no matter what. Keeping It Dutch, you don't have to kill your animals... Please keep the ones you have and keep them all (including the broiler chickens and pigs) as well-cared for, well-loved and as comfortable as possible, and don't raise or kill them or any others for meat. Please go vegan, too. It would be even better if you started your own animal sanctuary and rescue for German Shepherds, other dogs, cats, small animals, birds and farm animals (including horses, ponies, donkeys, mules and hinnies), or even just farm animals and German Shepherds!!!!
Please don't kill your animals, go vegan and start a sanctuary. Please read the books "When Elephants Weep", Vernon Coleman's works, "The Animals' Agenda", "Mama's Last Hug", "The Inner Lives of Animals" and "The Pig Who Sang to the Moon".
May you (Keeping It Dutch), all the animals, all the signers, sharers and viewers be perfectly well, healthy, happy and safe forever ♾.
Thank you 😊.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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