Petition for the Office of the Attorney General to Review the Actions of the Board of Directors at Saint Joseph's College

The alumni, students, faculty and staff of Saint Joseph's College have been harmed by the actions, or inaction of its Board of Directors. We, as a unified community of supporters of this valuable educational institution are requesting that the Office of the Attorney General perform a thorough investigation of the members of the Board, and take any and all necessary actions to prevent further harm to those impacted. The Board of Directors has refused to take meetings with concerned Alumni, and have failed to maintain transparency throughout their decision making process to close the institution.

Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thank you all for taking a moment to sign this petition. I have received information that the Attorney General's Office is currently monitoring the situation. This does not mean they have decided to take action, but they have taken notice.

Please only sign the petition once, but feel free to have friends, relatives, or anybody who cares about SJC to sign.

The petition will close on Monday and then we will be arranging delivery to Mr. Hill's office.

firma la petición
firma la petición
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