Demand UDOT Instead of Politicians Control Traction Sign Policy in the Cottonwoods

Our Legislators outright refuses listen to UDOT safety professional and engineers regarding the operation of the winter traction law signs at the bottom of Little and Big Cottonwood Canyons.

Under the guise of "freedom of individuals" they have restricted UDOT staff from activating the blinking lights on the canyon signs until AFTER the roads are already covered and impassible by cars without 4x4 and snow tires creating a completely unnecessary safety hazard.

Please let them know enough is enough and that safety of residents and winter recreationalists need to come before political games, remember they work for US.

Once we get enough signitures we'll start a media and letter writing campign to our local represetitives starting with Gay Lynn Bennion from District 14, 385-224-9197,  

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