SCCA DSP Class Change Proposal (ref 06-096)

The Sports Car Club of America's Street Prepared Advisory Committee has made a proposal to move several cars out of the "D" class of the Street Prepared category. All of these cars are BMW's except for one.

In signing this petition, you are demonstrating your objection to the proposal.

The text of the proposal is listed in the full petition body, as are numerous reasons as to why this proposal should not be enacted. I encourage you to respond to the SCCA with your comments and opposition. Feel free to utilize any portion of the arguments in your response. Responses may be sent to
Text of Proposal:

The SPAC is recommending the following class change proposal package, effective 1/1/2007 and published here for member comment (ref. 06-096):
- Re-class the following cars from DSP to BSP:
    - BMW 323, 325 & 328 (E36 chassis); combine with M3 (E36), M3 Lightweight listing in BSP on the same line
    - BMW 6-cylinder (E46 chassis), except M3
    - Lexus IS300
- Re-class from DSP to CSP, BMW 325 and 328 (E30 chassis), on separate line from M3 (E30)


- This proposal should not be accepted. It damages an active and competitive class and does not result in an improved class structure. It is harmful to SCCA members and could result in a reduction in membership. A reduction in entries at Solo events across the country will most certainly occur.

- BMW is an avid supporter and active contingency sponsor of SCCA's Solo program. This proposal, since it negatively impacts numerous BMW models, would be in conflict with the level of support provided by BMW.

- SCCA Solo Members have spent many years and tens of thousands of dollars creating competitive DSP cars. This proposal would immediately make these member's vehicles uncompetitive. This proposal is not supportive of those members and will create dissatisfaction and dissent.

- The current DSP class has a high enrollment with competitive and enthusiastic members. This proposal would damage the level of competition within DSP.

- The cars that are proposed to be moved would not be competitive in the proposed classes.
With fewer restrictions on forced induction in Street Prepared, the "rally cars" in BSP will soon become much more dominant, and the current class of cars will struggle to compete with them. The proposal results in adding even less competitive cars to this class.

- It is not an unfavorable situation to have BMWs selected as the preferred car in DSP. There are many classes which result in a particular car becoming favored (Corvettes, S2000's, Mustangs, Camaros, STI's and Evos, Mini's, etc), and this has resulted in healthy competition among the members in well-prepared cars.

Please sign this petition as an indication of your opposition to this proposal.
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