It's 2012: Join the Movement to Help President Obama Win

The Iowa caucus showed that Republicans can't get behind a single one of their candidates for president. But no matter who the front-runner is, we have to be ready for a tough campaign.

Over the last three years, we've achieved historic health care reform, repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and ensured people get equal pay for equal work. We've reformed Wall Street, ended the Iraq war and are asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share in taxes. We must protect the progress we've made so far -- and finish the job we started to make do even more in a second term.

We're calling on supporters to ramp up our grassroots organizing across the country -- to make phone calls, knock on doors and register voters to make sure everyone knows what's at stake in this election.

Sign our pledge to say you're in to help President Obama win in 2012. When you add your name, we'll send you campaign updates and information about how you can help lead the campaign in your own neighborhood.
Say You're In to Help President Obama Win

I pledge...

From now until Election Day in November, I pledge to work alongside supporters across the country to build the unprecedented grassroots organization we'll need to help President Obama win in 2012.
firma la petición
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