A New "Law", forbidding us to feed the squirrels and birds in all of New York

Three years ago, as I was putting a walnut into a hungry squirrels mouth, here in Forest Hills, New York, which I had been doing for at least six years, 3 parks department men were heading in my direction. What had I done? I turned around to see if they were heading towards some criminal behind me. No, they were clearly looking at me. One of them blurted out, "Sorry, but, we are going to have to give you a summons." "For What?", I screamed at him. " It is illegal to feed the animals.", he replied. I was not just angry, I was destroyed to realize that this was actually a law. ILLEGAL TO FEED THE SQUIRRELS AND BIRDS. just recently there were two articles in the newspaper quoting people who are outraged by this. Many seniors, and people who are ill take such pleasure in watching a sweet little squirrel grab a nut, open it, and enjoy the inside. Children love to see the animals in the parks, they are PART of the park, it has been this way for centuries. Besides, it is THEIR HOME. THIS IS WHERE THEY LIVE.
The parks commissioner claims that the food brings rats. WRONG!!!! The people who come to the park, eat, drink, and throw the leftovers all over the grass. I have seen this on numerous occasions. THEY bring the rats.
This law must be overturned. Too many people, their children, their parents, those who love to feed the animals depend on enjoying the sight of them in the parks.
Please sign this petition, they cannot take away our pleasures, nor can they starve our animals.

Actualizar #5hace 5 años
This new 'law' is spreading throughout the U.S. We must turn it around for the sake of the animals.
Actualizar #4hace 5 años
Thank you, Diane K. from the UK. I totally agree with you. <3
Actualizar #3hace 5 años
Harry K. in California, Thank you for your wise comment.<3
Actualizar #2hace 5 años
For those of you that signed, THANK YOU. PLEASE SHARE.
Actualizar #1hace 5 años
Please join me in abolishing this new law.
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