• par: Shirley Marsh
  • destinataire: Governments and government agencies world wide
Have you seen John Fox's documentary on 'fracking' - accessing coal seam gas by fracturing surrounding rock?  The world needs to wake up to what's happening on this planet, and this particular activity is insanity on an unprecedented scale!  By Googling the word 'fracking', you will find not only this documentary, but many others on this theme, and the message they convey is truly terrifying.  
In order to access coal seam gas, sites have to be drilled to hundreds of metres or kilometres beneath the surface.  Then a mixture of water, sand and quantities of known and unknown toxic substances are pumped down the drill hole with incredible force to fracture the surrounding rock and release the gas for harvesting.
Unfortunately, this process not only releases the gas, it also releases the toxic mining substances into the surrounding area, which then seep into the aquifers that feed our rivers, streams, lakes and waterways, rendering them undrinkable, the land unviable, killing vegetation, animals, and human beings.  The infrastructure needed for this activity includes networks of roads, pipes, 'produced water' pits (the toxic waste that is retrieved), huge deployments of heavy trucks to provide these amenities and transport the gas, masses of gas tanks and other installations necessary in the extraction, storage and 'purification' of the gas, and so on.  Beautiful scenic areas are flattened, forests and farmland destroyed - the list of horrors goes on and on, all in the name of profits for the massive resources industry.  
We already have renewables ready to go right now!  Solar panels, photovoltaic film, electromagnetic generators that produce energy ad infinitum without using any energy and at no cost!  These alternatives, plus many others, are being ignored in favour of the frantic search for fossil fuels because that's what these companies are geared up for!    
We need to be informed, to be aware, and to make informed decisions.  We then need to communicate those decisions to our governments and demand that they are heeded. When life on this planet is threatened because of greed and the insane pursuit of profit and the almighty dollar, something has to be done.  We ignore this situation at our peril, and if we DO ignore it, we do not deserve to survive.  People power has worked throughout the ages, it will again.  As the saying goes, 'Necessity is the mother of invention'; that necessity is staring us in the face right now.  I pray the visionaries and inventors play their role with the support of the rest of us.
Petition your governments, the resources industry, you local members of parliament, publish on Care2, Facebook, Twitter - anywhere and everywhere you can get the message across.  Our lives depend on it.
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