Photographic Propaganda

  • destinataire: Care2 management

One Small Request,
for our generous care2 providers:

First of all i would like to say, overall I am very satisfied with care2, as it has helped so many people in so many ways- we can connect with others just like us, bringing together a world of people that is separated in most other places. We can make a difference all over the world, if only a small step at a time. We are given news and current events that are covered up, and otherwise would have to be searched through for hours of painstaking work, which leads me to the point of the petition I am writing:

Care2 is about the connections we all have in common, but most importantly the information that is available to us.

I have searched for hours upon hours on this site and I must say that I have one small frustration and concern that I am hoping to find a little support on:

About half of the photos and advertisements that I come across on this site are of a somewhat offensive nature. A few examples: for cover photos for news and petitions of a sexual orientation feel that they must show a naked man and woman holding each other when they could easily pick something else. A few breast cancer ads and cover photos have pictures of naked women covering their breasts. Plenty other photos are taken in a way that follows the same photographic propaganda that mainstream media uses to pull people in before they can even think twice about it. I would love to visit the arts and music section a little more often, If only they could find other pictures that do not exploit my fellow human beings in an objective way. I know these are touchy issues to most people, but if it is all the same, and you wish to see more of these photos, I ask only that you pick a different website to post your propaganda and exploitations on.

Your help is much needed
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