Disney, please turn this family-friendly, gay story based on "The Lion King" characters into a movie

  • par: Vagner Albino
  • destinataire: Robert Allen Iger, President of Walt Disney Company
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Warm regards,
Vagner Albino

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The Lion King, its names and characters belong to Disney. The plot and the illustrations are merely works of fans and have no commercial or promotional purposes.
We, the undersigned, endorse Vagner Albino's belief that his family-friendly, gay story based on the Lion King characters has a strong and pertinent message not only to the LGTB people, but to society as a whole, and respectfully ask you to consider making a movie out of it.

According to an U.S. government study published in 1989, the Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide, and the Massachusetts 2006 Youth Risk Survey, LGTB youth are two to four times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. Reasons for that range from internalized homophobia (not accepting themselves) to verbal and physical abuse, rejection and isolation from family and peers.

Nowadays, based on the 2005/2006 American Community Survey, the number of LGTB citizens in the United States is estimated to be around 8.8 million. Nevertheless, this number grows from around 12 to 28 million, if we are counting those who already had some kind of same-sex experience but does not identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual.

Despite such expressive numbers and the promising results of polls such as the Pew Global Attitudes Survey 2007 stating that 49% of Americans believe homosexuality should be accepted (against 41% who think otherwise), as well as CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll's, saying that the younger generation is more supportive of gay rights than average, there is still a lot of discrimination and violence directed towards the LGTB people, especially the young, because of rash behavior brought out in by misinformation.

It is our belief that animation movies appeal not only to the youth, but to adults as well, creating a clear, meaningful communication channel among people of all ages and from the most distinct places around the world. For this reason, a gay animation movie would not only support the LGTB youth by inspiring its disconnected and isolated individuals and assuring them they are not alone or dysfunctional, but it would also be a source of constructive conversations among everyone else as it depicts an unexpected, but interesting and sensible development in a story already known and loved by many.

According to our collective opinion, The Lion King movies have the perfect background for a story like that: the nature of the movies resembles that of a fable, in which animals highlight specific attributes from the human condition without acting like humans themselves. It is not about the way they behave, but rather the reason why they behave in that way. In this regard, the plot development of The Lion King movies works as a concise background story to justify and support the events described in Vagner's work and make each scene in it have a meaningful insight about feelings, personality and identity, ensuring the audience understands the characters' motivations before questioning their actions.

We kindly ask that you please help us make a difference and be the first major film production company to make a gay animation movie that is intended for a general audience and bring a positive prospect for the LGBT people. Please be assured of our thorough support during every step of the production and our growing effort to spread the word and make an even larger number of people aware of such an inspiring and bold initiative meant to mark the dawn of a new era in the history of movie making.

Thank you very much for your time and attention,
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