STOP The historic Graunke's Warehouse -aka Saletti's - from becoming a parking lot

  • par: Lori M
  • destinataire: Mike Pegram

Carson Valley Inn owner, Mike Pegram, wants to tear down the historic Graunke's Warehouse built in 1919 and put in a parking lot for the CVI casino. Not only are we losing Saletti's - a very successful family restaurant and meeting place - but an historic building linked to our valley's settling families and our agricultural roots. At a time when local families are re-investing in our heritage and renovating historic properties, Mr. Pegram should not be destroying this building to build a parking lot. This building has been many different things - a grain and hay warehouse adjacent to the Virginia & Truckee railway, an ice distributorship, and at least three different, thriving restaurants. Now that Mr. Pegram has developed a music venue with T.J.'s Corral - perhaps this could be turned into a themed dinner house in conjunction with the several musical concerts throughout the year.  Identifying this as an official historic building would be the first step in getting it listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  

Please sign this petition to save the Saletti's building - Graunke's Warehouse built in 1919 - from becoming a PARKING LOT! Carson Valley has already lost some irreplaceable historic places like the C.O.D. Barn and the East Fork Hotel.  We do not need another parking lot to replace a part of our history.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
In just one week we've received 1/3 of our signature goals! Keep sharing and spread the word. Let's hit the 1000 signature mark and then the petition can be presented to Mr. Pegram. Thanks for your support!
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