Someone Shot This Grizzly Bear, Dragged Its Body Into a River, and Then Cowardly Fled

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: British Columbia Conservation Officer Service
The Squamish River in British Columbia, surrounded by iconic mountains and buried in lush greenery, is truly a sight to behold. But this past August, what someone witnessed in the Squamish was a far more sobering sight -- the body of a wild, innocent grizzly bear, murdered and floating in the water.

Join us in urging the British Columbia Conservation Officer Service and its officers to find whoever did this as soon as possible!

After the bear's body was examined, officers determined the worst case scenario -- someone gunned down this beautiful creature, and then callously tried to dispose of it by dragging it with a rope into the Squamish River.

What a heartless, wasteful killing.

Extensive hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia has taken a toll on the species' populations, threatening their survival entirely. Thankfully, a law was passed in 2017 to ban the practice entirely, with a notable and appropriate exception for First Nations people, who rely on the bears for "food, social, [and] ceremonial purposes."

Whoever did this in clear breach of conservation law. Beyond that, they clearly wanted to kill this bear just for the sake of killing. Why else would they leave its body behind, attempting to dispose of it?

One thing seems certain: as long as whoever did this remains free from consequences, they could absolutely do this to another grizzly bear or other threatened animal. Conservation officers must use any and all resources available to bring them to justice.

Sign the petition and lend your voice to wild, threatened animals like this grizzly bear. Demand its killer be found and brought to justice!
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