Unspeakable Cruelty In The Faroe Islands

  • par: Nina Budini
  • destinataire: Office of the  Faroe Govement
  To The Government And The Faroe People It has been uncovered that each  year,  on the waters of the  Faroe Islands, innocent and helpless Pilot Whales are slaughtered brutally .. a right of passage to manhood  for your men  as well as mother whales and their babies killed for trade* How can you justify this  * you have no right to take their lives from them this way *please have mercy stop this from happening  *

The   Pilot Whales are stabbed a number of times,  as if that weren't enough, they bleed to death,  in excruciating pain while the whole town watches. Sea Shepherd had an undercover operative in the Faroe Islands, and exposed shocking images of slaughtered pilot whales with unborn calves which were cut out of their mothers bodies.Please stop slaughtering these beautiful whales and their babies.To inflict such suffering is beyond words.Please show the world you can change to bring an end to it  *
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