Make Income Tax controlled by the public

    I would like to transform income tax into the social media platform that anyone can login and see all the problems listed within their post code and allocate their income tax to a project or job such as roading and environment. I would like the public to be the first who prioritise what direction they wish to see their income tax go. It's only fair that if the public don't allocate the direction of their income tax the money can be spread evenly across all projects within the country as royalties from the public. I would like to go further as to say if no jobs are listed within someones registered suburb they can claim income tax back.
    We need to transform the country into a more autonomous way of living that works for everyone. We should also have the right to donate our income tax to a charity of choice.

    The government will tear us a new one if we allow this behaviour to go on. Power in numbers and power in signatures for this petition. The government make all they need of GST alone and we need to remember we are part of this environment and we get to decide what is priority.
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