FAB:Families Against Bullying : Cody's Law

My son Cody Garrett took his life on Mother's Day do to bullying. These were his words on a video he made. Just one video of the two that were made:
My name Is Cody Garrett and this video is all about bullying. What's I do to you? How does it make other people feel? What do the go do after words when they can't take anymore. There's three type of different bullying's I want to talk about. There is verbal, physical, and cyber bullying. Cause obviously people like to put other guys down. Other GUYS AND GIRLS, MEN AND WOMEN. Why do you guys do this? Why? I mean they go home people who do this, They go home and they laugh about it. They text there friends and spread rumors that isn't true. Because they have nothing else better to do. All those people over there, there cutting, Or they are taking pills, Or they are trying to hang themselves. They are taking chances with one shot. You know I seen people who take there own lives. Its not fun so why do you do it? Why do you put people thru this? I have people come up to me and talk to me about this kind stuff. They talk to me all the time, how to ignore bullying. And all I can do is sit there and listen cause I have a hard time doing it myself. How do you ignore bullying? Eventually you cant. You really cant. You know had this friend on time, His name was Shane Crabtree. Clay County Kentucky, I met him n little league baseball when I was 12.The only time we hung out when we went against each other in sports and in sports tournaments. We hit high school and I was on the football team. He's out in the Clay County football team. That kid had scoliosis in his back so bad but no matter how bad it was I'm telling you that kid could play. He was a wide receiver. I'm gonna tell you something, when I played offense and they put him on defense, a strong set outside linebacker, I would go out for a pass and I would catch it. He would come up and try tackling me. We would hit each other hard but no matter how hard I would hit him he would get right back on his feet and he would pat me on my shoulder and I would pat him back and I would say good job way to take the hit. And we would always keep in contact. One day, he bullied so bad, you have to remember this kid is fantastic kid, he got bullied so bad came to school one day cause no one told me about this, A friend of mine, her name was Hailey, told me in school that my friend Shane Crabtree hung himself. Right in his closet. And I can tell you right now that day in school was one of the hardest days I went thru in my entire life. I cried and I cried and I cried because I lost a good friend of mine due to bullying. That's something you don't need to live thru. People take there own lives because of this. I myself have tried to take my own life. But god has kept me on this planet for a reason. No matter how hard I tried, god has kept me alive. Put me in emergency where I'm on the verge of dying. And he kept me alive where my heart rate dropped me so low it wasn't even funny. Where my oxygen is running out and my blood pressure is sky high and he still kept me alive for reason. God has something for me and I can tell you right now guys all those bully victims god has something for you too.

My son lost his battle and with this petition, if we could save just one teen, adult, child, it is so worth it. Saving one life at a time.

I would like to propose that every school, is made to twice a year would setup a pep assembly on anti bullying an what it does to these teens and adults.

I would like to propose that anyone that is convicted of a bully crime to not be fine on first offense but to be sentenced to 40 hours of community service in a way that promotes anti bullying and helping the community. A bully crime meaning in the form of physical, emotional, cyber, sexting, or currculation photos or messages thru net about a person.

I would like to propose that anyone that is convicted of bully crime as a second repeater would be sentenced to 80 hours community service and a fine which the court seems dimmable.

I would like to propose that any one that is convicted for a third time for a bully crime receives a automatic 60 day sentence.

I would like to propose a education course for all bullies to be educated on how the victims feel after the fact and how it affects their lives. What can happen if bullying does not stop.

I would also like to propose that victims of bullies and there families will be able to seek free help to cope with the tragic stress that thses bllies have caused. In a form of counselling beyond the school or support groups but maybe a education class to learn on the change they can make.

I would like to propose that these new laws, if get passed is sourly for the purpose of the words spoken from Cody Garrett making it FAB: Families Against Bullying Cody's ACT.

Cody Garrett my son lost his battle against bullying He tryed to understand it but couldn't deal with it. I have 7 proposals i'm asking for. 

I would like to propose that every school twice a year holds a pep assembly called FAB: Cody's Act as a anti bully assembly. What it can do to others and the affects it does in life alone. 

I would like to propose that anyone that is convicted of a bully crime to not be fine on first offense but to be sentenced to 40 hours of community service in a way that promotes anti bullying and helping the community. A bully crime meaning in the form of physical, emotional, cyber, sexting, or currculation photos or messages thru net about a person.

I would like to propose that anyone that is convicted of bully crime as a second repeater would be sentenced to 80 hours community service helping out a anti bullyorganization and a fine which the court seems dimmable. 

I would like to propose that any one that is convicted for a third time for a bully crime receives a automatic 60 day sentence. 

I would also like to propose a education course for all bullies to be educated on how the victims feel after the fact or what can happen if bullying keeps going. 

I would also like to propose that victims of bullies will be able to seek free help to cope with the tragic stress that these bullies have caused. In a form of counseling beyond the school or support groups. 

I would like to propose that these new laws, if get passed is soley for the purpose of the words spoken from Cody Garrett making it FAB: Families Against Bullying Cody's Law.

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 9 ans
We need to get to the thousand on this petition by the 31st. Let's keep this going please. Let's get to this goal online...not many more needed. less than 180 more signatures. I do have ones on paper also but i also need these. Please for this act to go thru.
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 9 ans
We need more signatures from Wisconsinites especially. I'm still trying to here from Baldwin and Balweg. I call all the time and no response back. Let's keep showing them this is a serious matter all over the country and this epidemic needs to stop.
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 9 ans
With the ones we did get on the poker run and people from our county, our count has been reached. We are now over 1070 signatures. Yet lets not stop here. We do have till the end of Aug. so lets keep going and still get as many Wisconsinites to sign. The more the better. Always remember you can not sign on here and on petition paper that goes around. Its either one or the other. Let's try and get our schools to recognize this cause and also our community.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
We are currently half way their. Let's keep this going to make Codys Act happen. Thank you all for the support you have given and the stand up you are doing.

Thank you again,
FAB: Families Against Bullying
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
I decided to take this straight to congress and President Obama himself. This is happening everywhere not just in my state. Hope you still back me.
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