Petition to Change Bathroom Passes

The bathroom passes are an unfair and illogical way to allow students to use the bathroom. Not only is it completely unreasonable for anyone with a uterus it is also an issue for LGBTQ+ students. People with a uterus have periods. Accidents in class can occur, and many people have to change their tampon, pad, or diva cap multiple times during the day. Using the bathroom at lunch is not effective, because pads/tampons/diva cups require changes through the day because of blood flow, malfunctions, and the necessity to change in order to prevent toxic shock syndrome. People who have periods will use in their pass in one week of the entire quarter. LGBTQ+ students have also been harassed in the bathroom in the past three days because students who are transitioning/using their preferred bathroom have to go at lunch with many others students to save their bathroom passes. Unlike last school year, they could go peacefully at any time during the day, not during the lunch rush, where they were not harassed. There needs to be a change in the way these passes work. Either going back to the same note/teacher pass system as the 2017-2018 school year, or a different system.

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