a new balance for america

As we start the topics of social engagement in the conversations with our friends everybody has a certain he or her politician that really knows how things really are.

The she or he politician should come up with a statement so that everybody in our circle of friends is able to vote fore he or her so that the conversation social engagement can be put aside in order to dedicate oneself with the daily routine of the problem with luxury.

In this vicious circle it is not likely that action for nature and humanity will rise.

We must break the vicious circle of problems in luxury that kills all of our initiative and start the process from our inside, that of the people.

Fema-camp doctrines and tsa- exercises will bring us only further away from our constitution and value's this nation stands for.

If you choose for surrender than you must stay inside your golden cages.

If you want to experience new taste of american culture you must sign the petition and start to inspire the people around you.

We must all make an effort and start to come together as people for humanity.

Here we say: humanity starts with justice for wolves.

Please do not be afraid to show contribution for your own country.

Together we can make a start to put america back on his feed where it belongs by enleasing action for this purpose.

The treatment of brother wolf in this country says it all.

We all are mirrored here with beastliness where we expect humanity.

We then humble ask the hunters to stop their crimes on wolves and to return in civilization under our constitution.

A new balance for america

We the friends of wolves see the harassment of wolves to be continued in a spectrum of outlawness that tops its all.

Interior secretary taking away illegally the protection of wolves.

Congress voting for ending protection wolves under the endangered species act for Montana and Idaho after the jugde ordered the halt of the hunt on wolves.

We give the central government one last change to respect decision of the court and their own constitution.

Whether they put back the legal protection for wolves or we the people will do it.

We will deliver the petition to the white house.

In a timeframe of two weeks.

Would central government fail to deliver a decent reply within the timeframe we will call upon that to undertake every illegal action for restoring the right of our wolves until justice prefails.

It is our estimation that corruption has gone too far.

The majority of people are still asleep.

When the great awakening will start to take place all over the world and the people start to realize, it will be too late for irresponsible politicians to restore their image.


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