The fight to end Pit Bull euthanization and excessive breeding

  • par: Ashley Hentschel
  • destinataire: Maricopa County Animal Control & Maricopa Public
A recent issue has been brought up by Maricopa County that Pit Bulls are over crowding our shelters due to excessive breeding.

As quoted in The Arizona Republic,

"Pit bulls are landing in Maricopa County animal shelters in droves, and they are staying the longest and getting euthanized more often than other breeds, shelter officials said.

An unprecedented 14,523 pit bulls filled Maricopa County shelters last year, making up about one-third of the shelters' dog population. About 68 percent of those pit bulls were euthanized.

The breed's sad record is due largely to its public reputation for meanness, but shelter officials and pit-bull owners are hoping that a better understanding of the breed, its history and its habits will help overcome perceptions and increase the number of rescues."

Read more:

A lot of people think it is okay for Pit Bulls to be put down, but is it really? Especially for the ones that never hurt a being? Any dog can attack anyone at anytime, big or small.

 Pledge now to speak against Pit Bull euthanization and excessive breeding!

" I myself sign this petition in hope that either more shelter will be built and euthanization of helpless Pit Bulls will be stopped, and/or the public will pause on breeding pit bulls, so that their lives may be lived happily."
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