Demand to stop Region 3 from taking Eldorado High School's outside lunch!

    On August 12th, 2019, the school district's Region 3 decided to take Eldorado High school's outside lunch away. Which included food from restaurants that would go sell their food to us and also the school store which included chips, granola bars, Gatorade, etc. Most students get lunch from either the providers or the student store, because the lunch lines are too long and by the time you get there they run out of food. Also the food that the cafeteria gives out is not good at all and that's another reason why the students don't get cafeteria food. What Region 3 didn't know was that all of the money that the school made selling all of those things went all to the school, which would help out all the extracurricular activities, without that money we wouldn't be able to afford most of the stuff that we need. We need Rgion 3 to let us keep our outside lunch.
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