• par: Kaitlyn Graver
  • destinataire: Animal Humane Society Of Canada (OSPCA, ASPCA)

Millions of innocent dogs are being killed for no reason either than the breed they were born into. PitBulls, Bulldogs, Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Malamutes, Shepherds, Dobermans, Boxers, Great Danes and so many other breeds are being bullied by these so called "Animal Welfare Officials." These breeds are being banned from their families, dog parks, public streets, yards and anywhere else they may be seen or heard. This is like saying someone from Malaysia can't come to visit because their country is drug controlled. Or being allowed to visit only to be put through horror at the airport. This is a human rights clause right? Well why isn't anything being done to the hundreds and thousands of these breeds being put to death simply because they were born. It is not the breed or dog themselves but their enviornment and upbringing. Join me in putting a stop to the breed stigma, bans, and bullying on these innocent animals that want nothing but to love you and cherish you if you gave them a chance. My boy Bronx is an awesome well behaved loveable pitbull. I get people grabbing their entire families and rushing across the street. I have had people tell me, my dog should be shot and I should be fined, all because he and I are simply enjoying the lake at night watching the sunset after our nightly walks....Why is this allowed. Why as an owner can I not make a claim against this? Because my dog is a breed in which people look at him instantly like killer. His best friend is a 7 year old boy, they lay on each other, they hug each other, they play together, they sleep together, and if allowed even bath and eat together....But I am classified and judged as a bad mother for owning a puppy of his breed. That isn't fair, not only to me, but to my puppy who only wishes to run at the dog park, and only loves to get pats from those very few who do stop to love on him. So please sign this and join me in stopping this nonesense of killing of innocent animals.

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