Hometown IL Police Cheif Forsyth & Mayor Casey Do Your Job

  • par: Donna Earley
  • destinataire: Governor Pat Quinn,Chicago Office of the Governor James R. Thompson Center, 100 W. Randolph, 16-100 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312-814-2121 / Hometown IL Mayor Kevin Casey, 4331 Southwest Highway City of Hometown, IL 60456 Phone:(708) 424-7500 Fax:(708) 42

We the people of the United States are petitioning the State of Illinois to hold Chief Forsyth of Hometown Illinois Police Department responsible for allowing his police officers to go uneducated on family dog encounters in the field. Chief Forsyth is aware there is a protocol and laws have been enacted by the State of Illinois to prevent the killings of family pets. This law was signed on Aug 2013 by Governor Quinn and became effective January 1st, 2014 . Laws are written to be enforced.

This law can be found at http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/publicacts/fulltext.asp?Name=098-0311

Chief Forsyth should be held responsible and found "guilty" of neglecting his duties to the tax payers as Chief of Police. We the people are petitioning that Chief Forsyth be reprimanded for his lack of duties and sentenced to 250 hours of community service at the local animal shelters. This would be a just restitution to the community that he swore to protect and serve. His failure to educate his officers and enforce the law have led to many tragic incidents against his community.  Also Mayor Kevin Casey is responsible for failure of his duties in overseeing the town police department including the Chief's position. We also petition that the Mayor be sentenced to 100 hours of community service at the local animal shelters for his failure to fulfill his duties as elected official.  We the People of the United States, the tax payers who fund these elected positions will not stand that our tax dollars to go to someone who does not fulfill their job duties. We the People have exercised our right to vote which put these officials in their positions as to what they promised the public they would fulfill. We demand the actions mentioned within this petition to be taken for your failure to uphold and enforce the laws of the State of Illinois. Just recently on July 25th the failure of the Hometown Police Department Chief of Police and the Mayor of Illinois to fulfill their elected duties have resulted in a tragedy that has gotten the attention of people across the world. Not only does this show the inadequacy of these offices to do their jobs, but attacks the humanity these offices hold. A tragedy that your community should not have experienced and as a result a family and it's child have been traumatized by the cruel killing of a family dog on its property and in the presence of a child by Hometown Police Officer Robert Norris. The State of Illinois have angered many people across the country and the acts or lack thereof from these officials have brought a negative light to our State. Should you refuse to comply with our demands or should you not recognize the problem at hand involving the Hometown Police Department, Chief Forsyth and Mayor Casey and act upon it in a responsible manner then we will determine that neither entity cares about it's voters and citizens and we will call for a special election and vote you out of office. We will seek a replacement with a new and more competent server of the public who will enforce and execute the Laws of the State of Illinois in the way We the People of Hometown Illinois were promised at the polls.

It is time this Law is recognized and that the Mayor steps up to demand the Chief of Police to implement training, mandatory for all officers to attend training on how to read, assess and control the issue of encountering a family pet in the field and that training prevent the  lethal force of an officer discharging his firearm with the intent to kill the animal. There are many resources for this training and is offered free of charge. http://cops.igpa.uillinois.edu/resources/police-dog-encounters . So there are laws in place, training available….and our dogs are still being killed. This is unacceptable to the people. Those responsible for enforcing the laws and providing job training are not doing their jobs and the citzens, the families, the dogs, the communities, cities, counties, states and our country are not sitting back any longer. With this petition you have been made full aware of the problem within these offices and elected officials. We demand they accept responsibility, pay for their downfalls through restitution and to make the changes to prevent this from happening to another family.

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