Save The United States of America!

This is not the United States of America that I grew up in. It is a nightmare. We are on a verge of another Civil War. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

People are losing their rights. Everyone is afraid to say something because they could get attacked or killed. Innocent people are being punished while the real criminals and domestic terrorists get away scotch free.

The Palestine and Israel conflict has nothing to do with the United States of America. It is only between Palestine and Israel.

The COVID-19 pandemic could have been handled better. Some people are still afraid to eat inside at restaurant or go into stores without a mask.

Another Civil War between Democrats and Republicans will cause another stay-at-home order and closures of schools. Students will use Zoom for classes! Everything will be cancelled just like during the COVID-19 pandemic!

The United States is a land of freedom. It is time to put aside our differences as Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, The Green Party, and Independents and work together to fix this mess!

Here is some videos of the old United States of America:

Save the United States of America!

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