• par: Henrik K
  • destinataire: Bilderberg-csoport! Donald Trump! Vlagyimir Vlagyimirovics Putyin! Angela Merkel! ORBÁN VIKTOR! Manuel Valls! Theresa May! Beata Szydlo!

God is good! Stop the war. Help save the world! God's Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, where God commands the religious and moral life eternal basic law (Exodus 20). Towards a man of God and his fellow man sums up the tasks. Validity maintained at all times, as Jesus said, "I can not abolish the law but to fulfill" (Matthew 5:17). The Lord thy God with worship and serve Him only! Recognizing God first duty of faith, and he deserves the worship; Worship and praise, recognition exclusivity of the rule of law. II. Do not take God's name in vain! Due to the close relationship of human thought and spoken word, this cult is part of God's name (and usually of divine things) respect. III. sanctify the Lord's Day! We depend on God is expressed in the fact that we keep the Lord's Day, this time (along with all our lives) dedicated to him, while the ground operation előlegezve impermanence and ultimate peace of mind is shown on breaks! The first three commands of God's reign has led us to be recognized. Only this will ensure a free man perfect. The second part of the Ten Commandments (Table) obligation fellow creatures, in accordance with the laws of nature: ARC. Honor your father and your mother! The first relationship that adds to the parents, because we owe them our lives and felnövekedésünket. The parental responsibility and filial respect are inseparable. V. Thou shalt not kill! All human life is sacred. Health is a gift from God. so we need to protect ourselves and the lives of others. VI. Do not commit adultery! The new life is not only the respect and protection that, like the human body, and love, which opens towards the innermost other hidden reality. VII. Do not steal! The man's right to property acquired in the work of the material goods of life insurance to this command. Vili. Do not lie, do no harm to others and honor! The principal agent relationships between people of human speech. This is a great boon not be abused, should not be used to the detriment of others. The command of the language marks the biggest sin is committed, and in general the truth will make us as individual tax from God. IX. Do not covet your neighbor's spouse! X. You shall not covet other people's property! In addition to real works of genuine feelings, thoughts, desires belongs to the fulfillment of the divine will. YHVH. Jehovah. Jesus Christ!


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