Demand the Banning of Homework in Marion County for All Students

Elementary school students no loger are required to have daily homework assignments because "research shows that children do better in school when they have a break at home". Well, what about the middle and high school kids who come home with tons and tons of homework? The kids with after school activities that are up until 2am finishing 4-5 assignment due in the next few hours? They show up exausted to school and their teachers tell them to "get more sleep". How can they when their assignments keep them up? Teens have busy, productive lives outside of school and should be given as equal an opportunity as the elementary school kids to not have daily homework. This will give them the chance to read more and experience more than an unnecessary amount of work load. They will be able to focus more in school with the improved amount of sleep and work on better quality projects and essays, with the extra time not taken up by the extreme amounts of homework. Please, join with me and the other middle and high school students of Marion County to give teens the freedom from every day homework that they disserve and si desperatly need.

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