Stop the barbaric slaughter of dogs in Mauritius

  • par: Jack
  • destinataire: Mauritius government

More than 20,000 pet and stray dogs are brutally slayed annually in Mauritius
Undercover investigation after alarm raised by the British-based charity
Up to 80 per cent are much-loved pets snatched from doorsteps
Pound can only be described as a concentration camp for dogs

The dog is flat on his back, trussed up with a rough rope, his paws scrabbling frantically in the air as a man in a red baseball cap rams a needle deep into his heart.
When the howl splutters into a whimper, the dog is dragged and kicked into a kennel to die alongside three others. It is a slow and painful death, the result of a botched lethal injection by a canine-killing squad.

Some of the animals are strays but many more — up to 80 per cent — are much-loved pets that have been snatched from their doorsteps, with collars and security tags clearly marking their addresses.

And they are killed by an organisation with a name so ironic it would be laughable it wasn’t true — the Mauritian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

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