• par: Tracy Jenkins
  • destinataire: Mathews County Planning Commission
The Seabreeze is a one of the cornerstones of the small community of Mathews, Va. It's a little restaurant situated on the shore of the beautiful Chesapeake Bay, patronized by most all the local community as well as the many visitors to the area each summer who come to enjoy the weather and the strong sense of family that those who live there freely share. Recently, the owner unknowingly missed the renewal of their lease. As a result, there will be a meeting on June 29th between 7pm and 8 pm at the County Courthouse to discuss the possibility of the County taking over this lease. If the takeover does happen, then it would be well within the County's rights to turn our beloved Seabreeze into whatever run of the mill, nondescript business it sees fit. We cannot allow this to happen. The Seabreeze has been the site of countless celebrations over the years, the place where people, both local and what they lovingly call "come heres" all gather as one to celebrate life, lament hurdles, laugh, joke, cry or simply hang out. If the Seabreeze is allowed to be turned into anything else, a vital part of Mathew's way of life will be gone forever. The owner and all its staff will not only lose jobs but their ability to support their loved ones in such a way as to remain part of this unique community. We mustn't leave that to chance. Please help us save our Seabreeze.
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