Fire Multimillionaire CEO, Des Hague, Caught On Tape Kicking Puppy

The multimillionaire CEO of Centerplate Sports Catering Company, Des Hague, was caught kicking and dragging a friend's doberman puppy by his neck in an elevator. This behavior should never be tolerated and it is especially upsetting as the dog was laying down quietly and not misbehaving in any way. Des Hague says "A minor frustration with a friend's pet caused me to lose control of my emotional response." Really? The dog wasn't doing anything out of line. Way to blame the victim and not take responsibility for his own anger management issues.

It is clear that Des Hague waited until he was in a place where he thought his abuse wouldn't be seen and then vented his anger on on a creature with no recourse and no way of alerting anyone to the abuse. Classic bully behavior.

I don't believe this bully has any place being in a position of authority over thousands of employees and that he should be fired from his position as CEO of Centerplate Sports Catering Company.

Centreplate Sports Catering Company

Attached are the signatures collected from a petition I created on to encourage your company to fire Des Hague for abusing his puppy.  I understand from a Fortune article that Des Hague has indeed been fired.  Thank you for showing zero tolerance for an employee who exhibited inhumane treatment to a helpless animal.

Martha Carrington

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Thank you all for your signatures and comments in support of my petition to fire CEO Des Hague from Centreplate Sports Catering Company. Des Hague was fired and is required to attend anger management counseling. Following is a link to a Fortune article with more detailed information.
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