Make NPC selling cash shop items for silver in Black Desert ONLINE

Black desert is buy to play title, we should be able to experience it to the full, without having to open wallets even further.

Why hello there guys.
Since launch of the game there were discussions about why cash shop is so expensive, why do we have so much stuff behind paywall even though we already paid for the game.
Some people want to make cash shop items sold on auction house, but that would lead to whales and simple Pay 2 Win. Some people want costumes/pets for loyality, that is a good point, but then the cost would be most likely equal to 3 months of logging in everyday. And here comes my idea.
Create an NPC, that will sell cash shop items for silver, for a solid price obviously. Around 3 millions for pet, and 10-15 millions for costume sounds fine for me.
1. People that can afford would still buy stuff for real cash
2. People that want to get cash shop stuff but dont want to spend real money would be happy to sacrifice few millions for cash shop item.
3. We prevent P2W, People that pay with real cash would be only small bit ahead, and it wouldn't make the game Pay2Win

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