Support Piers Morgan, host of Piers Morgan Express, regarding gun control

  • par: Ginny Bando
  • destinataire: People who support Piers Morgan and the regulation of gun control and his right to express it.

This is a petition to defend  a news reporter who is the host on the show "Piers Morgan Express. Piers Morgan has made more sense about the issue of gun control than most of our chosen leaders. Because of this the NRA has started a petition to try and deport him which is ridicules because the1st amendment  gives him the right of "freedom of speech."
It's time for all Americans to take a stand and express how they feel.Our children have been slaughtered  and fear has changed the way we are acting and thinking. Taken from CNN, 3rd leading cause of death of children between the age of 5 and 14, 34,387 children and teens injured in 2008 to 2009. The only reason that this topic has become so intense is because people are dying, Our children are dying. Yet there are people accumulating arsenals of weapons that can kill large numbers of people in a few minutes and the owners of these assault weapons claim it's their constitutional right, "the right to bear arms". When our forefathers wrote our constitution II don't think they were considering the killing of large numbers of innocent people in a few minutes or deporting a news reporter because his ideas are different from theirs. Wasn't the freedom of speech  one of the corner stones of this country?

I ask you to sign this petition to prove that our freedom of speech and our future and children's future will be protected.

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