Bring an end to the “zero gravity” travesty!

    NASA has allowed and perpetuated the misconception that the apparent behavior of objects in orbit is due to the absence of gravity. This came about because of astronauts being pilots and experiencing zero g’s which is actually related to resistance forces that are equivalent to the standard acceleration due to gravity experienced at the Earth’s surface. So “zero g” became construed as “zero gravity” and these two statements are not equivalent.

    On orbit, satellites mostly do not experience resistance forces and therefore are actually in a state of “free fall.”

    Children across the world believe that astronauts “float” in orbit because of “zero gravity” when in fact this apparent behavior is actually due to “free fall” instead.

    NASA can remedy this travesty by owning up to this and ensuring that the term “free fall” is used hereon. Else, our youth learns improper physical processes which can preclude them from grasping other scientific concepts as a result!

    “Free fall” not “zero gravity” #leveluponastrodynamics
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