Continue Creative Support for ANYONE!

  • par: Kelly Bechtold
  • destinataire: Montessori Schools, Creative Education

Read-up on an older Care2 article about a Montessori School. They denied permission for a child diagnosed of Autism Spectrum from entering this particular school because of the diagnosis. The parent wrote to and sued the school and the school has since granted permission for anyone, disabilities or not.

I myself attended a Montessori School at 3yrs old, finding around 3-4yrs old being diagnosed of PDD-NOS. The previous diagnosis is now considered a lighter form of the Autism Spectrum. Would definitely not be the same as far as craftiness, liberation, and exploration. Would definitely be much more doomed since I ended-up going to more public schools.

Read the comments, and some had other stories of people being rejected from such schools. Other people with disabilities being rejected in other areas.


Montessori is meant to be a more liberating type of schooling system. It is meant to have children enhance or find their inner creative and unleash it to different perspectives. Many have benefitted from these schools to become craftier people. So why would we take a brash limitation on creativity?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should not go unnoticed because there are many who have shown that great creative potential for themselves. I would like to liberate this through this petition! Continue Creative Support for ANYONE!

(note: This may be a slightly older subject, yes. This is more of an effort to keep an ongoing support, since there could be the potential to have this go underway further.)

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Hello my friends, I am trying what I can to get my petition out for more signatures and for the target people to see... Yet everything is currently at a stand-still. Will you please help me get more signatures? it Just takes your sharing to try. Thank you and don't forget to enjoy yourselves and get some sleep, food, and water :)
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