Demand a Vote on HB99!

  • par: Robert Martz
  • destinataire: Thurman G. Adams, Jr., President pro tempore, Delaware State Senate
Senator Thurman Adams, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, has the power to release HB99 to the Senate for a vote. In 2003 Senator Adams promised that HB99 would be sent to the full Senate for a vote. Senator Adams is not keeping his promise.
Senator Adams, President pro tempore of the Delaware Senate, is not keeping his promise to release HB99 to the full Senate for a vote.

Senator Adams, I urge you to listen to the people of Delaware who overwhelmingly support HB99 (69% of Delaware citizens support equal rights for gays and lesbians according to the Hickman-Brown Public Opinion Research, 5/9/02).

Senator Adams, a majority of your colleagues believe in equal rights for all the citizens of Delaware. By standing in the way, you are abusing your power and the democratic process.

Senator Adams, as President Pro Tempore of the Senate, you have the power to release HB99 from the Judiciary Committee to be voted on before the end of this legislative session on June 30, 2004.

Senator Adams, I request that you keep your promise and release HB99 to the full Senate for a vote before June 30, 2004.
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