Ask New South Wales to no longer consider violent euthanasia methods as humane

  • par: Nicole Corrado
  • destinataire: New South Wales Ministry of Environment

Dear Wildlife Licensing,

Please reclassify shooting, stunning and killing with a blunt or sharp object, bolting, stunning and cervical breaking, and stunning and decapitation as violent killing methods. Please only allow anaesthetic overdose as a humanely accepted method of euthanasia.

I understand not all wildlife rehabilitators have 24/7 access to veterinarians. A legislative change could, along with licensed veterinarians, allow some licensed non veterinarians to euthanize only using anaesthetic.

I have been writing to a lot of places to ask them to stop shooting camels. I now came accross a post that said that a wildlife rehabilitation centre mildly sedated, then killed injured animals with a blunt object. This is not even one of the accepted euthanasia forms under current guidelines. They claim they had no other option, but I am sure they could have come up with a humane solution. I would have preferred they sedated the animals and then let them die peacefully. 

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