Make 2013 the Beginning of the End of Hunger

The world produces enough for everyone. Yet 1 in 8 people, like Ralia, go to bed hungry every night, and 2 million children die from malnutrition every year. It doesn't have to be this way.

People go hungry because of decisions our leaders make, that means we've got the power to change them. This year, the UK has the G8 presidency, a rare opportunity to make our voices heard and make politicians act. A powerful campaign, Enough Food for Everyone ... IF, is growing in the UK. Together we need to take a stand that politicians can't ignore.

IF we stop big companies tax dodging in developing countries, end the madness of crops being used for fuel instead of food, make sure our government keeps its promises on life saving aid, and push governments and corporations to be open and honest - 2013 can be the beginning of the end of hunger.

But this will only happen IF we demand change. Take action today; add your voice to the campaign.

"There is no water and no food ... we can't keep going like this." - Ralia Kamato, Kenya.
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