To Get A Director's Edition of Superman IV

  • par: Philip Hawkins
  • destinataire: Executives, Warner Brothers & Warner Home Video
To get a director's edition of Superman IV, with new special effects and deleted scenes re-inserted, making the filmmakers vision of the film a reality.
To: Warner Brothers & Warner Home Video
This is a petition set up in the hope of inspiring you to create a DIRECTOR’S EDITION DVD release of Superman IV: The Quest For Peace. While we, as fans are aware that Warner Brothers recognise the demand for the Superman films, this is clear from the 2001 special edition version of Superman: The Movie, and the recent deluxe edition of the same. It has also been established that you recognise the demand for a Superman II special edition, this was clarified during an interview conducted on the HomeTheatreForum web site. However this recognition has not extended to Superman IV, which has become a classic, and therefore worthy of a re-release.

We ask for a director’s cut of the film (134-minute version) as well as new special effects for the film. Or alternatively to have the deleted material presented in some other form, either integrated back into the film, with no new effects, or simply in a bonus section on the disc, allowing fans to see the film as the makers originally intended. We are sure that sales of such a release would justify the time and money required to improve the film, as Superman fans have been waiting 16 years to see this and will jump at the opportunity to obtain a copy. Its success is further guaranteed by the current popularity for films based on comic book characters, such as Spiderman and Daredevil, if the film is released during this craze, success would be inevitable.
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