Braxton Ray Rel was born Aug 11 1998 he was a fun loving little boy with the BIGGEST SMILE we ever saw, his whole face would light up, and his eyes would sparkle. He was bright eyed,loved hockey,skiing,riding ATV,horses, or staying home watching cartoons, and was always willing to help the underdog. He could not stand by, and see someone hurting, or being bullied. Braxton only health problem was that he snored like a freight train,gasping for breath so many times in the night that he would wake tired, and grumpy it was nothing for him to nap after school, or on the way to hockey practice. Braxton in his 10 short years only went to the doctors 1/2 a dozen times, and was very healthy. Braxton showed all the signs of OSA (sleep apnea). Braxton died from Medical Neglect, because the hospital,nursing staff, and doctors made a deadly chose to ignore Braxtons diagnosis of OSA (sleep apnea) which was made, and placed in his chart. Braxton should have NEVER had day surgery, because policy's,safeguard, and guideline were in place to protect the OSA patient. When healthcare providers choose to ignore policy's it is not medical error, but CRIMINAL NEGLECT (murder).  

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