• par: Jill Johnson
  • destinataire: The object is to have ferrets removed from petland polo park.

I'm submitting this petition to recieve 1000 signatures in hope to show it to SPCA of my city or some officer of animal rights in hopes of having ferrets perminantely removed from this store. PLEASE HELP ME HELP THESE BABIES.

Petland prides themselves on having educated staff and caring for animals to find the best homes and to recieve vet care if needed. THIS IS A LIE.

A few months ago I address the owner of Petland Polo Park about the condition of which his ferrets were being kept in. They are dirty, not maintained, their cage conditions are filthy and they live in a small plexyglass "box" which is not suitable to hold up to 5 ferrets at a time and at the time there was one that was clearly very ill but no one had done anything about it for several months. Instead they were waiting to hear back from the breeder, to recieve a replacement so they could still make their money. As well their staff are minimum wage highschool students that are not education on taking care of these exotic animals. I went in and complained but was dismissed by the staff. I finally spoke with the owner who agreed to have her taken to the vet, there has been no site of her since. I initially overed to buy her, pay for her vet expenses and everything just to make sure she wasn't going to be euthanized, but I fear thats what has come to be of this baby.  

I know theres a lot of issues with Petlands but my issue is that this one is Privately Owned and still just as bad as the rest of the petlands. You would think for a small store better care would be taken care of the animals, but this man is in it for money and I have had it with seeing abused animals in that store over and over. Not only that but because it is a privately owned store, if we all speak up we can more than likely have something actually done about this. We have a good chance of actually have these ferrets removed from Polo Park location

I'm one of many in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada who have been banned from the privately owned Petland for SUGGESTING he up his conditions or even change the blankets/hammocks more frequently. I'm not the first to complain about the conditions and uneducated and rude staff, but hopefully this will start something to get the ball rolling in hopes of action actually being taken.

Theres been so many chances for Alan Siwiki (owner of the store) to change these things. Birds are overcrowded, dead aquarium life is always floating and present. Uneducated and sale based staff. Those are few of the issues at this store. Why would you have ferrets or chinchillas to sell if you are not educated on them? OH RIGHT ...TO MAKE MONEY. Well these poor animals end up on craigslist, kijiji and used*insertcityhere* for sale because their uneducated staff sell the animals to uneducated people which then realize what a responsibility the animal is and don't want them anymore. Lets put an end to this!!

Thank you for all the support!

Jill Johnson
Winnipeg Manitoba

We the undersigned would like to have ferrets removed from petland polo park in winnipeg manitoba.  There conditions are unsuitable (dirty cages, overcrowding, unappropriate cage size) as well the store employees are uneducated with these animals which has led to numerous sick and returned to breeder for replacements because of this. Petland is suppose to provide vet care for sick animals as well as educate and find the right pet for the right person. How can this be done if no one is educated on these ferrets? Its not, and the ferrets end up in a shelter or sold or abandoned because they were not informed of the actual responsibility that comes along with owning a ferret.

We only find it appropriate that the ferrets be removed from the store because the owner Alan Siwiki has had many chances to change the ways of his store and educate the staff. I know this because every person that offered help or suggestions is quickly banned from the store for challenging his business. He has had his chances and failed to do something about it which should come with a consequence.

We only hope you can see our point of view on this and help save these babies. Its important we remember our morals and values in life and remember that animals are not objects that can be replaced, they are living, breathing creatures that deserve a fair chance at life. Please help the ferrets of Petland Polo Park regain this fighting chance.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. Its greatly appreciated

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