Stop Exploiting Foreign Workers

More than 70,000 cooks, cleaners, construction workers, fast-food clerks, electricians, and beauticians from the world's poorest countries service U.S. military logistics contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's over 60 percent of the contracting work force in Iraq, and their living and working conditions are appalling.
We the undersigned,
A recent article in The New Yorker, "The Invisible Army," highlighted the appalling living and working conditions endured by foreign workers on U.S. army bases in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Over 70,000 foreign workers currently service U.S. military logistics contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan, often living in shipping containers, working 24/7, and earning pittance wages.

In bringing this information to your attention, we urge to conduct an investigation into these appalling conditions, so that the United States may continue to uphold its position as a leading supporter of human rights.

Thank you so much for your time and attention to this matter.
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