This petition is aimed at putting an end to the issue of sexual harrassment in Sudan, hopefully pushing legislators to create laws that are aimed at protecting our girls and women from sexual harrassment, which is a form of violence. Many women and girls refuse to talk about this issue due to cultural stigmas and norms that unfortunately make our girls the guilty ones rather than to give them justice. On the other hand, it enables the doers to continue harming our girls and women, because simply there are no laws that explicitly make sexual harassment a crime.  This is an important issue that must be addressed and faced at a global and local level, because it happens. We need to reform laws that are blind to this issue and bring justice to women and girls who continue to face this incidious crime.
Thank you,
"Campiagn to end sexual harassment in Sudan Now"
This petition is aimed at puttin an end to the issue of sexual harrassment in Sudan, hopefully pushing legislators to create laws that are aimed at protecting our girls and women from sexual harrassment, which is a form of violence. Many women and girls refuse to talk about this issue due to cultural stigmas and norms that unfortunately make our girls the guilty ones rather than to give them justice. On the other hand, it enables the doers to continue harming our girls and women, because simply there are no laws that explicitly make sexual harassment a crime.  This is an important issue that must be addressed and faced at a global and local level, because it happens. We need to reform laws that are blind to this issue and bring justice to women and girls who continue to face this incidious crime. PLEASE ACT NOW.
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