YES to Superfund Designation for the Gowanus Canal

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agrees the Gowanus District in Brooklyn, New York is an "Estuary of National Significance" and is "unbelievably highly contaminated" with tar, PCBs, sewage, lead, mercury and arsenic. 

The EPA has the tools to lead a comprehensive and inclusive cleanup. Our community has known for generations that this is a toxic public health hazard. Superfund designation for the Gowanus provides the strongest solution for a cleaner and safer district and its surrounding communities. 

     We the undersigned, wish to express our support for the nomination of the Gowanus Canal to the National Priorities List and designation as a Superfund site.  We are convinced that it will take an all-inclusive, EPA supervised total remediation to restore this area to well being fit for all of its possible uses.  Only the Federal Government's Superfund program is capable of offering such a remediation plan and process.   We ask that the United States Environmental Protection Agency expedite the Gowanus Canal NPL nomination and Super-fund designation, and bring all of its considerable resources to correct this totally unacceptable condition. 



The Undersigned


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