Demand an end to uninhabitable living conditions

    My family and I have been living in toxic mold. I found out about it in 12-2023 as we had asked the landlord to fix some on going maintenance issues in the unit including current leaks and to test for mold as my family and I have been having abnormal health concerns since living at this residence.Legally, landlords have 7 days to remediate urgent matters in New Mexico . He didn’t attempt to fix some issues until almost a month later. Keep in mind that he taped an eviction on my door the next day the request was sent to him. We had already had a total of 7 floods / leaks in the unit prior to the one he needed to address on this request. In the midst I had to figure out what was causing continuous pink eye issues, rashes that wouldn’t go away on their own dizziness and forgetfulness. So I hired a Mold remediation to test which costed me 500 dollars and the landlord refused to pay me back . Well results are positive alright…..TOXIC MOLD at that. Stachybotrys chartarum was one of the ones found. I was in disbelieve as I have worked for the medical field and was well aware of the dangers. But as the issues continued causing me to been out of work due to ongoing contagious pink eye and chronic cough I slept most of the time hoping for relief. I didn’t even think we would have been invited to such dangerous environment. As the test that was given to us by the remediation company did not state this on the initial report we went to court unprepared for what what about to transpire,they granted the eviction. We still hadn’t had the leak fixed (sewage)we’re already in January 2024 we decide to involve code enforcement as we knew there was a 50/50 of having to be forcefully kicked out if they deemed the place. Code enforcement then say we don’t have a law on the amount of mold that is unsafe so we cannot enforce such issue he tried with the leak which was eventually remediated in March 2024.We were still appealing the eviction and yet nothing done with the mold as they had laughed at us in court because of the report the remediation company had provided us. I requested for this to be notated in the report as we had lost our case. Here we are April 2024 still in toxic mold we went from a 2 bedroom 2 1/2 bath to living down stairs so we could only access the 1/2 bathroom kitchen and living room.Now being May 2024 and no one has addressed this issue. We have talked to local DOH code enforcement environmental department the governor the mayor the attorney general no one has helped I have reached the human rights department nothing has been done the news cast keeps pushing us off. Where are our rights?? We are in our 30’s and we continue to get ill because the judges didn’t give us a chance since this is a landlord state no one is enforcing this. As of 2/2024 I paid 600 for a mycotoxin urine test it came back showing elevated numbers causing destruction to my over all health. It proves information stating cognitive decline, reproductive issues kidney and liver function and many more issues increasing cancer chances than the average.I can’t even began to stress about my poor dogs. We are without family here, currently unemployed with ongoing health issues and to fight for our right to live in a home and not the streets. We have tried a go fund me only one person has donated 5 dollars and we’re very thankful for the donation. We are tired and giving up our self’s as it is easier to work than to be unable to and not know how bills will get paid. Let’s stop the negligence people. This is our health and safety. I want to support the ones that get neglected by slum lords and to be able to support those unable to overcome a tragic cycle of unfortunate events.Lets educate and learn of the dangers of Toxic mold and have more systems to provide more resources for tragedies that are unavoidable.
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