Demand an end to the accompany rule at the bel air mall.
Today my younger brother went to the bel air mall in Mobile,AL with his girlfriend(both 16 years of age), they went in and was kicked out due to a policy stating that any person from age 13 - 17 years of age has to be accompanied by someone of the age 25 years or older. But anyone from the age 18 years old and up can go by their self (not accompanied). I contacted the mall’s office and confirmed this was the policy. I personally think this policy should be changed or taken down due to the reasoning of the mall is a shopping center, food court and also “Surge Entertainment” (that has the same policy) that is a place to buy supplies eat and for kid’s entertainment at the age of 16 you can get your driver license, you can work at a job and get paid but now you can’t go to the mall for a mall date or go to buy things you need ( Cloths, items, appliances, etc.) what if it was a 16 or 17 year old female that has a toddler because she had a child at a young age and gets kicked out because she’s too young? What if I a 22 year old male wanted to bring my 16 year old brother shopping we would both be kicked out because he needs to be accompanied and I’m not 25 so I don’t fit the expectations of the policy to accompany him? I remember when I was younger I went to the mall to hangout with friends after school get something to eat and give my parents some time away from the children to give them a break this is taking away from the experience and freedoms we have as individuals and for our siblings and children due to this policy.