Building onto longterm care of Salem Missouri

    Our long term facility here in Salem, Missouri has a 4 year waiting list. This waiting list tells the elders of our community that they can no longer be served here and to move elsewhere. We are literally kicking out our elders of our community, where they have served, spent their money, and built their family and life here. Not only are we sending them away, but they have to get a new doctor. Someone who doesn't know them or care like their doctor that they have had for years. This realization is no okay! We are doing our community a disservice and we must provide for our elders! The baby boomer generation is not getting any healthier or younger! Even if its building on a wing with 20 rooms, this would be a start. The social worker whom works at SMDH and fills the long term care facility, Lisa, said she could have the new rooms filled immediately. Our elders would be taken care of and money would be spent in our community and not in another. Having family close by when dealing with Alzheimer's and Dementia is important. Now tell me, are you okay with this, even if it's not directly impacting your life right now? Let me remind you, we are not a healthy society and we do not get younger. This does directly affect you. Sign to make a change for community.
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